10 Great Library Tours

I enjoyed reading a recent article in USA Today, titled “10 Great Places to Take a Library Tour.” Of the libraries on this list, I’ve only been to one so far, the Library of Congress.  This article made me want to visit more of them! (Check out images of the libraries in this article here.) Common themes are user space and history.

One of my ongoing personal projects is a blog about my travels across North Carolina, with the goal of visiting all 100 counties in the Tar Heel State. I’m recording my travels and impressions at North Carolina Odyssey Project. I haven’t visited too many libraries yet in my North Carolina travels, but I’m always glad when I do make the time to go inside a local library.  (Maybe North Carolina libraries will turn into another blog theme, once I finish visiting all 100 counties! I still have a long way to go, though!)

About Lesley Looper

I'm a full-time library employee. I enjoy reading, photography, travel, blogging, and geocaching.
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